Mr. Manners

Oh Joanne....what a beautiful little boy you have! I love the second pic of him! Ya know, we might not ever get a paycheck for what we do but we get all the hugs and kisses we can hold! What better pay could you ask for! Love your journaling. Made me want to cry, (happy tears) for everything I can remember my babies doing. Also for the things that are yet to come. I look forward to watching my kids grow up. Love this a lot! Great job.
Oh my goodness Joey, he's so grown-up! What a sweetheart!!!
Joanne, this was just so sweet and I got all choked up reading it. I so wish that you guys lived closer so that Jeremiah could know his Aunt & Uncle, and cousin Coco Bean (at least until a real cousin comes along)
Love you guys!
Oh Joanne - so wonderful! I hope my babies are as sweet as your little Jeremiah! He is getting so big. I love seeing him (almost every week) and watching him grow. From the time we left for Haiti to the time we came back he had grown so much, which 5 months is a long time - and even more since we have been home. You are a great mom & I only hope I can be half as good as you are! Patience seems to come so easy for you - I know it is tried often - but you make it ALL seem so easy. Great boy & you are right he is "Mr. Manners".
This was beauiful. Having such a nice mommy must have some influence on him as well!