"J" Shoot
I was so frustrated this day! My camera was returned home from repairs the day before and when we got to the park and started shooting I noticed the problem with my metering sensor was NOT fixed. Oh I was so mad! But life happens, right? I haven't finished proofing the pics but wanted something to post so here are some from J's shoot this past weekend.
As you can see in the first few shots, my camera was overexposing all my pics and it steadily got worse and then I had to switch to full manual. I'm not that great with full manual yet so my settings were hit or miss. I am not really pleased with these so I'm happy that the purpose was for practice and fun. She is a sweet girl and we did have fun and I did get lots of practice shooting manual! So I suppose it wasn't a wasted trip. Thanks for visiting!Shipped out my camera body, AGAIN, today. Hope to have it back within a couple weeks. And I hope it really is fixed this time! Grrr....