Fun Friends
I wanted to get out and shoot! I was bummed about not getting to shoot much on my vacation so I called up one of my fave models and asked her to bring a friend. They wanted some fun "skateboarding" type shots so I was excited! These are fun and different from the traditional that most people have been asking me for lately. We had a blast and these two are goofy! It cracks me up how much they look like they are related! But they are not and they are just fun friends! Thanks you two for a fun little shoot!
This one makes me laugh every time I look at it! I played around with my wide angle a bit to try to get some distortion (didn't really but a tiny bit): With all the talk about sun flares lately, I thought this was funny - it's motorcycle light flare! I raised my ISO super high but still had to add some noise for a grungy feel:
The lights on the water looked so cool I had to try to get this one:
There were TONS more from that night, maybe I'll post more. Maybe not. Sometimes I get distracted! LOL Thanks for looking!