Geese Crossing

I'm so sorry he's not feeling well. HUGS and prayers to him and to you;)
I like the grass with the ducks, really vibrant. Laptops are tricky and I avoid like the plague.
Looks like you really had a blast! These are really pretty - LOL at the ducks on the road!!
I hope your boy is feeling better. Being sick stinks, especially when you're not at home.
Aw I'll say a prayer. He is such a little cutie. Love the pic with his arms in his shirt :) Looks like you all had fun!
prayer said for you cute little guy!!!!!
Very cute!! Looks like fun, Im sure he enjoyed himself!! Hope he feels better
Aww I hope your little guy feels better soon! These are cute pics, glad he got to get out for a bit before getting sick.
So sorry that he's not feeling well! Hope he gets to feeling better soon. These are really cute and that last one is too funny!
Cute pics... we have geese EVERYWHERE around here.
hope your little guys gets better soon!
Hope he feels better soon. Love the geese pix!
I really like the sharpness and color in the 2nd pic! very cute! love all the geese...:)