Hmmm... what happened to John?

It was adults vs the teens and I had to root for the "old" team (haha):

Here are a TON more images from that day:
Awe, I feel for little J...just look at him waiting at the sidelines, wanting to play. It's precious, but heartbreaking at the same time.
Oh, these are the days. I used to enjoy powderpuff football in school, where the girls would "play" and the boys would cheer.
I like your new watermark stamping by the way, looks like some great protection.
poor little guy! he looks so sweet standing there with his flags on...great documenting of a fun day.
Poor J. LOL How sweet he is!
DADDY don't get hurt...OMG hilarious!
looks like a blast. Except for the messed up pinky.
great shots!!!! love the one of you son with the flags waiting to get into the game.....priceless!