Haven of Rest
We finished our bedroom remodeling! We ripped down old wallpaper and painted. We got a new bedspread and pillow and hung some curtains, got new carpet. It's so peaceful! After visiting several Bed & Breakfasts over the years, we really wanted a nice cozy place we could go to relax in our own home. I think we finally did for us. Another really nice touch is that we keep worship music playing softly all day long in here. We found a CD series, Simplicity, and fell in love with the serene feelings it evoked. It is mainly hymns with no words, just beautiful music. It really sets the tone in the room. Now when we walk through the doorway we feel like we are entering another place, a place far away from the chaos of daily life. The paint color is "Secret Garden Green" and we feel like this is our secret little getaway!

{I used the Orton technique on this to soften the look to reflect the peaceful atmosphere}