More Scavenger Hunt Entries...
I have several more to "find" and not much time to do this! The hunt ends the last day of February - Wednesday! But I won't kick myself too hard if I don't get them all in time. This was so much fun & it got me out taking more pictures which means more practice! I still need so much more practice... Here are some more entries:
1. Shopping
I saw all the carts lined up in long rows and thought it might make a cool shot. I didn't capture the "cool shot" but all these carts are definitely a sign of shopping!

3. Authority
As a pastor, it is important for my husband to answer to the ultimate authority. Really, we all do, but I chose his hand for this shot due to his position and his "Boss"!

9. Connection
We finally stepped out of the slow world of dial-up. Upgrading to DSL a few months ago has changed my whole outlook on being online! It was fun that the little button on my laptop can finally light up since we have wireless! It shows that now, I'm really connected!

Thanks for looking!