Farmer Jo

I know you are laughing... I am too! HAHA! I never really experienced home grown tomatoes until I moved to KY and let me tell you - YUM YUM! So this year I thought I'd give it a try (it only took 13 years of living in KY to get me to this point!). I am so excited that I haven't killed this plant yet! Here are my "first fruits" - the first two tomatoes on my little plant. Adorable, aren't they? We really like fried green tomatoes so I am wondering how many tomatoes will get to fully ripen in this garden? I just planted one tomato plant! I also planted a zuccini plant and there are tiny little ones starting to grow! John wanted a habenaro plant so maybe we'll make some salsa this summer. So there you have it. My three little plants make up my very first garden. So pathetic looking! heehee But if I don't kill them, I may branch out to a few more next year!

Oh, and just so I can be on theme... check out the hairy texture of the stems!