Kx3 Shoot

Nice to see you back again! I keep missing every now and then too. THese are cute! That's hard with such diff. skin tones. I think it's helpful to meter on the lightest part (so you don't blow it out). That's tough ~ you did good w/these. About your last post ~ hope he is able to overcome it all and truly enjoy some new stuff!
Joanne, I know I'm not an expert in color too, but I think the shirt of the girls got got too bright that affected the whole picture. I can't pinpoint since I am don't know what to do, but the green grass is not green due to the color of the shirt. Here is a note that I notice when I take picture of subject with lighter skin, underexpose by 1 stop to keep the detail since this will usually blow the highlights. Try noticing that.
The skintones don't look too bad, but I do see a blueish tint, no doubt because of those awesome shirts! You could try underexposing slightly and then, bringing up in PS for the skin...what did you meter off of?
By the way...I tagged you a few days ago...if you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the thread on 2Peas about POTD tag, you're it.
These look like some fun shots. I am not help about the color cast, sorry.
Very nice, the 3rd one is my favorite.
I really like the 3rd one. I agree...I do notice a blue tint in the photos though, but nothing too drastic.
great job on the compositions of these.
The first one the shirts are totally blown out though.
As far as the skin tones, to correct the tint, in PS create hue/saturation layer and decrease the saturation of the cyan.
That should help with the color cast
Fun shots! You are lucky to have so many victims lol!! I love the last one. I'm not really any help with the color cast, but I do agree that they look a little blueish.
If they are loking blue, it might be because they are shaded by a tree.
To brighten up the guy's skin color, how about a reflector that only gives extra light to him?