Trying My Hand...
I'm trying my hand at photography these days. I've been meaning to post before and after images of my progress and what better week to do so than "hand" week!
Last year I took J to get his pics made when he turned two. Oh what a cute kid I had all slicked up and looking sharp. Grandma came along to help get some smiles. BUT... (here it comes) J threw a HUGE fit and would NOT go into the studio. He screamed and kicked and begged and pleaded... We even tried to bribe him with crayons and a tricycle... to no avail. After multiple attempts I grumpily gave up. Sitting around at home pondering ways to get him into picture taking mode I decided to try it myself. What harm? Safety of our own home, no embarrassing tantrums in public (him or me! LOL). I took several that day and here is one that I actually liked: