I cannot imagine life without my faith in God. He amazes me every day. And every time I look into my son's eyes I see what a miracle of life he is. Such a treasured blessing. I think about my two babies in heaven and am so grateful to have Jeremiah here to hold in my arms. This little guy is a constant reminder of the grace and mercy my Savior has for me. I cannot live without Him. He died for me and I will live for Him.
And here is a scene we see once a week:
My niece gets out her camera and snaps a shot of her and Brad. Is she keeping a log of how much they change week to week? I'm not sure but there are TONS of images out there of them sitting in front of this wall on Wednesday nights...
So here she is with her guy:
She leaves for college and we're all so sad. Even though she really isn't going too far away. It just won't be the same! We'll miss you Dani!!!