
Yup, that's me. I'm such a slacker about this blog lately. I know you can't seem to tell by my oh-so-frequent posts (note the sarcasm), but it really does bug me! I haven't been shooting as much as I'd like but I have been shooting and have lots to share... I just have other things going on that don't allow me to have a moment of selfish fun to post in my blog. And if no one missed me then I'll have less reason to feel the pull back to my blog so you miss it, right?! *puppy-dog eyes* Don't fret, I haven't abandonded ship completely. Life appears to be slowing down to just the fast lane so maybe I'll have something new soon. Actually, now that I'm typing this I'm really motivated to post something. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow!

Oh, and all your lurkers... post a comment and say "HI" so others know you exist! haha