Hungry anyone?
"Great job! You found all of the ingredients!" says J as he lines up random food items across the table. "Let's play again!" he puts all the food back on the other side of the table. "Where's the orange? Oh! There it is!" he reaches for the orange to line it up and the list grows longer and longer... He so easily amuses himself! He really wanted "corn" but his first basket of food didn't come with one so he insisted that the cucumber was "corn." We were happy to find another basket of food that contained corn so he would get them straight.
Here is one of J's latest fave things to do - play with food! He loves fake food! So much that when we were checking out at the grocery the other day, he saw a plastic hot dog and hamburger and HAD to have it. The problem? They were dog toys! So yeah, Daddy being the biggest sucker of them all bought them for him before I saw that they were dog toys. Well, at least a dog hasn't been chewing on them since J will likely put it to his mouth and pretend to eat. YUCK. The truly ironic thing is that J is the pickiest eater of all. He absolutely will not try to eat any fruit or veggies so I have to hide and sneak them in. So why does he like all the fake food? We can't figure it out.
He had tons of "food" all over the house so daddy thought it might get contained better if he got a new kitchen - he LOVES it! It came with a cordless phone and he calls "Jane" a lot. But then here lately I've noticed Jane has been calling him too.... "Ring Ring Ring!" *runs to answer* "Hello?" *pause, face lights up* "Oh, hi Jane. What are you doing?" *pause* "Oh, you gotta go? Ok, bye." *hangs up* LOL
It's so fun to watch him play pretend!