The Easter Pics...
What a glorious morning it was! It was a beautiful sunny day with blue skies... perfect reminder of our Glorious Savior and what this day is all about. We pulled into church and I looked up to see a rim of light on the cloud, the sun getting ready to shine through. Just like the Son of God, shining in our hearts. I love Jesus! He died for me, the least I can do is live for Him! Praise the Lord!!!!!
By the time I got my camera out, the sun was starting to peek over the cloud. I love reminders of God being close to me and even behind the dark clouds, He's still there shining!
On to the classic Easter Pics!
As suspected, the 'cute little boy in a suit' images turned out... well, they are properly exposed and in focus. What more should a mommy expect from her three year old? LOL
He was less than thrilled with my excitement. Actually, he was just plain bored before we got started and that quickly turned into "I don't want to take a picture, Mommy!!!" So I should be thankful for the bored shot since the about-to-cry shot was him with his back turned, right?
"I know this is the first shot you're about to take but are we done yet?"
"Oooh! Mommy has an Easter Basket for me! Unless she puts it on her head, I'm not looking her way! I'm smiling but can't take my eyes off of it!!! Wheee, Candy!!!"
"Okay, I'll give you a smile but I'm also going to tell you what I think about all of this picture taking business!"
"Mommy's getting closer... I'll behave and sit up but I'm not going to smile. Maybe puppy-dog eyes will get her to put the camera down and hand over the chocolate. Cheese?"

Jeremiah all ready to run and hunt but waiting patiently for the "GO!"
One of the few images I snapped that didn't showcase his backside...
A little Depth Of Field (DOF) fun...
Oh, there's more!!! Gotta hurry and get them before... ??? The teens decided to lounge on the couch this year instead of hunt, so he had no competition...
Most were hid in plain sight. How can you miss a bright pink egg in the grass?
Showing Daddy his treasure after Grandma helped him empty all the eggs... Hanging out with Grandma and his loot...
He did share. He gave everyone who asked just one small piece of candy from his stash. Like he didn't get enough?
I hope you all had a Happy Easter and that the awesomeness of it all blesses you throughout the year!