"I Have Enough Pictures"
Here comes Mommy... click click click...
"No more pictures, please, mommy. I have enough pictures. Put the camera back on your desk, please!"
Well, at least he said please, right? So after three he hopped up on the toy box to peek out the window and play peek-a-boo with me...
Since I couldn't get pics of him, I took a pic of what he was working on...
I always go through all of his work before tossing anything so I can keep the gems. This one I had to keep becuase it cracked me up. It's a drawing of telescopes ("tewescopes") and some constelations (?). Then he always draws the pieces found in the drawing at the bottom. Kind of like his own Eye Spy pictures. You have to find the shapes hidden in his drawing. Can you find them?
And an update on my growing belly. Seven months and counting down!

Thanks for visiting!