Praise the Lord for Mr Clean Erasers...

We have this sweet little boy who from day one always understood what "No" meant. He wasn't your normal kid, he never had the unquenchable urge to touch everything and dig in all the cabinets and drawers... he was just "weird" like that. Since he turned a year old and held his first crayon he loved to draw and was very content to draw on the reems of paper we supplied and the notebooks we drug to church. Once, he drew on the wall with crayon but after being told "No-No!" he never thought much about trying that again.

Such a sweet obedient child...

Then one day he turned about 3 and a half and something happened. He suddenly decided it was long past time to try out the "terrible twos" and he had some making up to do! He touched everything and ignored the No's that his mother repeated until she was blue in the face. He began to ignore other commands that never had to be spoken aloud, it was just understood.

Then tonight, mommy was in the office, Daddy was in the kitchen and Jeremiah was doing his most recent nightly ritual of piling up toys on his floor, "decorating" and "building trees" and laughing at Curious George antics playing on his mini DVD player.

Apparently Curious Jeremiah kicked in.

Little did I know he had stolen a Sharpie Marker from my desk earlier. At some point, he took his shirt off and decided to wear his art! He came running to show me and I *knew* something else had to be up so I peeked in his room and sure enough it was EVERYWHERE. No toy was left unmarked. I'll give him this, he's thorough!

Luckily, Mr. Clean Erasers work wonders for walls and doors and DVD players as well as an assortment of plastic toys and totes. The plush toys? Well, I've yet to figure out how to salvage them.

Here is J in time out waiting for Daddy to return from the store with the blessed Mr. Clean Erasers...

Look at the pouty lip as he sniffles through his "Sorry's"....
More apologies... (Is this his first mugshot? I hope it's the last!!!)
Confessing his "sins" as he explains why he is in time out...
Realizing we meant it when we were going to throw out all the markers and some of the ruined toys...

He even wrote all the way across his back! How? I have no idea how that was possible. Maybe his partner-in-crime (his imaginary buddy), Curious George, helped him out?

I'm sure I'll laugh about this one day. Until then, you can laugh at our expense!