
It's so easy to be on theme this week: Family! Sorry but you're stuck viewing images of my wonderful little family again this week!

Snuggle time with Daddy:
Daddy Time

And I have been meaning to post this for a looong time! You asked to see this in B&W, Joshua's and his Grandma's hands:

Mommy Moment: Jeremiah flies in his sleep!
Do you know how hard it is to take a pic in a pitch black room? I went into a lit room and guessed the distance from where I'd stand to Jeremiah then set my focus (love back-button focusing!) then guess at the flash intensity and fire aimlessly into the night in hopes to get this shot. The focus ended up catching his cape and not so much him but that is pretty fun too! Just so you know what I had to do to get this shot without waking him...

God bless you this week!