Going Through Cards...
Going through the pile of full memory cards that have been begging to be archived and cleared! I found a bunch from a goofy session with Miss Katie that we did a month or so ago. She is so fun! I have a ton to go through from that evening and it was quite an adventure... Here is a sneak peek of my goofy chica and the Krazy purple wall we found:
Jeremiah and Daddy rode the bike to church to visit me while I was at my photography group. He was so adorable, I had to attempt to get a shot of my little guy. Isn't he the cutest?
Mommy Moment: Jeremiah is a terrible eater and we told him he had to eat his chicken and taste the green beans or he wasn't getting another roll or leaving the table. He nibbled slowly on the roll he did have (he loves them!), perhaps to make it last longer - at least long enough for mommy to forget the 'rule'? He gradually put his ba-ba down on the table and kept nibbling and eventually fell asleep with the roll in hand (it was removed before the shot was taken because it was falling out of his limp little hand).
We just cracked up. He slept for about 20 minutes but still had to eat the green beans when he woke up. Yup, I'm that mean. lol