Overload of Brother Pics...

Not the best pics, just some snapshots of our crazy life...

Again, a morning ritual is to snuggle up on the bed together. I went to get something in the next room and came back to Jeremiah talking to Joshua. So of course I went back and got my camera to sneak up on them...

Joshua was waving his arms so Jeremiah gave him a high five...

Jeremiah thought it was pretty cool!

Jeremiah knows Joshua loves it when you play with his legs...

They both think I'm nuts...

But they're happy!

And having fun!

Okay, so I guess they can look alike... BORED. (tee hee hee)

And you know what? It's really hard to take a pic while standing on the bed and the lens that was on your camera when you grabbed it to not miss the moment is your 50mm. I'm just not tall enough so I had to hold it over my head and hope for the best... (this was not the best! lol)

I wanted their feet together but Jeremiah didn't want their feet to touch and would keep moving away from Joshua so this is all I get this time...

Love my boys!!!

Mommy Moment: At church Sunday night, Jeremiah got a little restless and found Joshua's blanket in the car seat. He decided Joshua was cold and tucked him in. Then he told him to close his eyes over and over and over until I quieted him and told him Joshua wasn't really that sleepy yet. He tried again a few minutes later and whispered a lullaby to him. Then he gave him a kiss on the forehead and a little hug saying "Night-Night!" The little old ladies in church swooned. So much for John's message that night!