Hi, I Have A Big Brother.

Can you tell?
Helpless Little Brother

After dressing Joshua up with the "hat" and glasses, the glasses slid to the end of his tiny nose and Jeremiah laughed hysterically, exclaiming that he looked like a doctor. ??? As you can see, Joshua didn't think it was quite so funny. I believe that look says, "Are you kidding me?"

Jeremiah LOVES to play with Joshua. When Joshua is awake, he can't hardly eat because big brother is always jumping in his face with a loud sing-song voice, "Joshua! What are you doing? Do you like to talk? Do you want to play with me?" Then he proceeds to play with his arms and legs and tickle him and poke his cheeks while squealing, "Squishy-squishy!" Poor kid. One day I'm sure he'll get his revenge but for now, he tolerates him and I think he may actually be enjoying it! Jeremiah likes to hold Joshua, let him pull his hair and he thinks its hilarious when he drools everywhere. *sigh* Boys.

Mommy Moment: I was holding Joshua and Jeremiah was jumping around doing all that I described above. He took a moment to hug on Joshua and said, "Awww... we love each other!" *swoon*