Proud Mommy Moment...
So we're just hanging out, eating pizza and watching a DVD and I look over and see that Joshua is really getting into this toy. He was so proud to grab a hold of the little balls and then he tried to put them in the hole! I got so excited I ran to get the camera, of course! I didn't think he was ready to do this so I lazily didn't work with him or even really sit down and show him but more than a couple times over the last two months. But he remembered...
Here he is inspecting his prize (love the drool! lol):
Now he's trying to figure out how to get it where he wants it to go:
And right there as I was watching and shooting, he did it! Slam Dunk!
I was so proud! We cheered and clapped and I think he was quite proud himself:
I'm so proud! He is growing up SO FAST. I feel bad for underestimating his abilities at his age but will for sure start giving him more big boy stuff to do! He's so busy and already getting into everything and learning how to get across the room to get more stuff! Watch out, world!