
Joshua has actually had these two teeth since sometime in January but I have yet to tell you all about it - sorry! His two little front teeth popped out early January and he's still gnawing on everything in hopes the top ones come in soon. He didn't whine or complain about these two coming in, I hope the same goes for the rest! Aren't they so cute?

He uses them to chew on Daddy's PJ's...

"Who, me?"

"Awww... not ME..."

"I'm so sweet..."

And just a few snaps from me playing with my camera...

Happy Kid...

"Okay, Mom... that's enough pictures. Pick me up."

Mommy Moment:
Jeremiah's idea of humor at his ripe old age of four:

"Look at me, Mommy! His feet fits in my nose!" followed by his hysterical laughter.