9 Months!
Can you believe my littlest man is already 9 months?!?!?
This means he's been in my arms almost as long as he was in my belly.
Hmmm... I miss him in my belly... but I do love having him in my arms!
Joshua is BUSY. Crazy BUSY. Fun, but way too BUSY.
He loves to push his little cart around. Or the laundry basket or whatever else will move with him. He is growing great but his 9 month appt isn't until the middle of next month so I don't have his height/weight for you right now. He hasn't been keen on baby food but still loves to eat everything else. He has two bottom teeth and two on top - on of the middle ones and the one next to it! Weird. But the two opposite those are coming in now and #7 & #8 are showing themselves on either side of those four up front on the top! He's been working on these six top teeth for a while and the little ankle-biter is chewing up everything!!! He's a happy guy and nothing makes him happier than for you to lie on the floor and let him crawl all over you. His fave person is still Jeremiah. He loves everything about Jeremiah and I love it that way!
And now his monthly Tonka Truck pic...
Look how filthy his socks are! It's because We just cut the grass yesterday and I let him do this first thing in the morning:
Oh my goodness he had so much fun! I know you can't tell by the look on his face. lol He didn't even mind the wet grass when he slipped few times, he just got up and giggled away!
Love this face!
And this one too...
As long as someone was pushing, Jeremiah wanted a ride...
But Joshua was too excited to see Jeremiah in it to push, he just wanted to grab his big brother!
Oh, and remember me talking about that big blue tractor in my backyard?
I'll post some more about it another time but here it is looking very out of place!
Happy Nine Months, Buddy!