Breaking the Monotony...

(Amy, this one's for you!)

A sweet friend challenged to Break the Monotony of our lives in the month of March. (But here I was hoping to get more monotony after all the chaos around here!) Check out her blog for more details here: Daily Pleasures.

I decided to attept to break Jeremiah's eating monotony earlier this week. (Seriously, the kid would eat the same thing all day long for months if I let him!) I stole the idea for these "Alien Paypakes" (as Jeremiah calls them!) from Denny's. He was so excited about these we've had them a couple times since and now we are back to monotony. Just a new monotony? *SIGH*

Anyway... here are his Paypakes and bacon:

Breaking the monotony was yummy for me too. But I also added some fresh strawberries. YUM!

Joshua loves pancakes too. He loves them with his whole face:

Good times were had by all.

{Mommy Moment}
Random conversation with Jeremiah one day...

Jeremiah: "Oooh, I'm so sick..."
Mommy: "What's wrong, baby?"
J: "I have a headache."
Mommy sees through this...
M: "Oh really? And just what will make your headache feel better?"
J: "Toys. Yes, toys will make me feel better."
I'm sure they will.