I Saw The Light...

Jeremiah has been singing David Crowder's version of this song NON-STOP for days (weeks?) and it still cracks me up.
It's so much fun it'll get your feet going and you'll have this song in your head the rest of the day. Check it out if you dare!

But that has nothing to do with this post. :)

I was thinking about how I haven't taken many pics of the kids lately and as I glanced out the window I saw some golden evening light in the yard. So I grabbed my camera and the nearest kid (the one always dying to go outside!) and we headed out. But all those beautiful, glorious images I had in my mind were interrupted with the reality of my toddler's curiosity.
Oh, well... it is him as he is!

My little Curious George:

"What light, Momma?"

"Joshua, don't touch it."

"What? This?"

"Hmmmmm.... what can I get into over there?"
