Long Overdue...
Posting this and what I'm posting about!
The night before we left for our little vacation (last month!) we cleared the kitchen/dining area of pretty much everything. While we were gone, our floor was riped out and replaced with tile. I am still beyond thrilled about it! Why am I so thrilled? Well, it's almost embarrassing to show what our floor looked like. It was linoleum and it was bad linoleum. It was a design/color that looked dirty all the time. It was cracked and had split seams (most were there when it was installed) and it had a ton of uncleanable scratches all over. So pretty new tile makes me very VERY happy!
The night before we left, I snapped a few quick shots. Most of the furniture was already out of the room...
A close up of the "lovely" floor...
And that is a fairly CLEAN floor. See how dirty it looks?!? Drove me nuts!
Now here is a glimpse of the new floor!
I love it about as much as you can an inanimate object. Maybe more.
Now I guess I need to work on the blinds. I think I'll wait until Joshua moves out since he likes to try to climb them.