This House on Thursday: Far Away Family...

In the midst of all the busy-ness of the past month, the boys and I took my mom to see some relatives in Cincinnati for a couple days. It was SO good to see everyone! Sadly, I had not been there since before Joshua was born! The boys did so great on the long drive up there and had a blast playing with all their cousins! It was great to see my cousins again and they all came over to my Aunt's so we could catch up and meet all the kiddoes. They are all growing up so fast! We all felt sloppy and unprepared but felt we needed a group shot since we were all together. So here we are!

And for my dad to help figure out who we all are:
At the very top is my cousin, Stacy. The row below her is me with Joshua, my Grandma, my cousin, Melissa, and my cousin Doug's son, Brian. The next row is Jeremiah,
Stacy's son, Jordan, my Aunt Carole and the three teen girls are: (Missy's) Makayla & Miranda and then Megan (Doug's). The bottom row is Molly (Jen's) and Jen (carrying baby & due very very soon!).