A Penny Saved...
One day, Jeremiah (being oh-so Jeremiah) decided he wanted to find the charger for his 3DS. He went into his room and came right back out, saying he couldn't find it. He then walked into each room (for only a few seconds) and then returned to tell me if was nowhere to be found. He was quite upset. I told him it was probably in his room (they had not played them in months!). He promptly went to another room to look only to return empty-handed again. I randomly announced that I'd save him the agony and search for him but if I found it, it would cost him $20 (trying to give him a little more motivation here). He searched for a couple minutes more then became upset again. I asked if he wanted me to look for it. I reminded him it would cost him. He agreed and being the Amazing Wonder Mom that I am, I walked right into his room and found it in less than 2 seconds. Seriously, I couldn't have planned it better, I was completely surprised! So was Jeremiah. He eventually forked over the $20 and learned a lesson on being diligent and counting costs. lol