Something Orange...

I started a 365 Photo a day Challenge.  I couldn't decide what to shoot so I asked my 10 year old and he said "Something orange."  I knew we had some oranges in the fridge so I thought I'd play around a bit and here are some results of me playing in the sink tonight:

I hope to start blogging again!  I miss documenting all the amazing moments of life!  Maybe this challenge will keep me on task!

And just for old times sake...

{Mommy Moments}
Joshua is always cracking us up.  He has quite the vocabulary to express his excitement.  With each present he unwrapped on Christmas he exclaimed, "WOW!", "Are you kidding me?",  "Amazing!", "I can't believe it!", "Oh my goodness!"and "Unbelievable!" (among others).

He was playing quietly in the room with us after a fun-filled day and quietly sighed and said to himself, "What a beautiful day."  *melt my heart*