This House on Thursday: Happy Homeschooler...
Not every day in the homeschool life is peachy and rosy. We have our "moments" because we are all human beings. Sometimes we have an "off" day. Sometimes we are hungry or tired or bored... Sometimes the biggest lesson to learn that day is that even though it's not what I want to do, it's what I need to do. And sometimes we fail to learn the simplest of things. But then there are "those" moments. The ones where you catch a glimpse of payoff for all the hard work and patience tried.
This was one of those days. I found Joshua hanging out in the living room reviewing his multiplication facts by his own choosing. He was humming and reciting and genuinely having a really good time! One of my goals in teaching my children is that they learn to love learning. Some subjects are easier to love than others so it's so wonderful to see him enjoying learning one of the not-as fun subjects (according to him!).