Tractor Time!

The two grandmas were in a mood to spoil the little guy big time. So he walked away with a new "tractor" complete with a front loader and detachable trailer!

When Daddy popped it into second speed, the only way he could keep up and stay in control was to prop himself up in a half standing position...

We were very surprised to see that he was actually a very skilled driver!

He avoided the vehicles and we thought he was lucky but then he drove right through the swing set and didn't even graze a hanging swing. We were impressed!

And just because we are enjoying the nice weather I am updating the status of my Lilac bush taken on a cold and windy day...

I'm SO ready for warm weather!!!!!

FYI: All images are SOOC (except for resizing and sharpening for web) and taken with my Tamron 28-75.

Thanks for visiting!
Have a blessed day!