Happiness is...
...mastering something new! Ok, so I may not have it mastered but I'm getting there! I love to learn something new. Sometimes to the point where I drive myself (and others) crazy until I figure it out. So I'm really pushing myself to learn to shoot in the worst of lighting conditions. Like a backlit situation where the sun is blaring behind or above... how do you avoid those nasty shadows? Shade would be the first answer but what if there is no shade? I got used to fill flash, but wanted to try it without flash...
Today my girl, Katie, let me practice on her. With the sun beating down on her back, we tried a few shots around the yard and I think I'm getting the hang of it... And Katie took a couple pics of my growing belly. Joshua is head down like a good boy. Now we just need him to hang on a little while longer so we can get things ready!
Me at about 8 months!
Thanks for visiting! Have a great weekend!