I can't believe Little Man is 4 years old!!! WOW! Time sure does fly. Seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital all snug in our arms. Now the little wiggle worm is too busy to stay cuddled for long!
I was in a hurry to grab some pics to post so here is the random assortment from his B-day party last friday:
My niece decorating the cake like she does each year...
A little Cousin lovin'...
The theme was Curious George. Didn't she do a fab job on the cake? Dani, you rock!
Jeremiah had a hard time getting the candles blown out and some kept re-lighting even though they were not trick candles! He would blow and try to fan them (it was more like a wave!)...

He loved the cake and was so happy the candles finally went out. Did you notice the monkey on his shirt and what it says?

He decided he was big enough to cut the cake himself...

We thought it was interesting that his first B-day he didn't want the icing, only the cake. But this year he didn't want the cake - only the icing!

Presents! Several Curious George things like this clock with "Jeremiah's Room" printed on it...

He was even excited about getting clothes...

But the fun didn't end when the party did... He had a blast playing with all the balloons!!

Happiness is...

Another fave toy he got was
Kid K'Nex. They are perfect for him to build with. Here he reminds me of his Uncle David as he studies the paper to figure out how to build one of the examples...

Showing off the snail he made...

It was a fun day! We felt like we celebrated for a week! Today was his actual B-day so we went to eat, let him spend his Birthday money and just spent the day together!