Cherokee People...

I suppose it's the 1/32th indian in him that causes this mohawk thing?
Mohawk Head

My little sweetie-peetie-pie!

Mommy Moment: My mom didn't believe me that he was doing this so I caught it on tape for her:

I told John I wanted a baby boy but got some little man instead so I think I should get another chance for a BABY. He didn't buy into it. lol

Joshua had his 6 month check-up today and he's in the 89th percentile for height (28in) but only the 50th percentile for weight (18pds, 14oz). We saw he was thinning out a bit. We are guessing he'll be tall and thin like Grandma. =) All is well, he's a healthy little booger and flying through his milestones. Praise God for a healthy blessing!