Facebook Photo Shootout!

I have so been needing a new challenge! Through some Facebook friends I found this page: Facebook Photo Shootout and it looked like fun!

It's kind of like the Iron Chef... we get a "secret ingredient" (theme) at the last moment and then have 24 hours to shoot an image representing the theme. At 7am this morning the "secret ingredient" was revealed to be "A Reflection". So in between our usual chaos I tried to think of something to shoot and get it posted. We are not allowed to photoshop anything other than cropping and sizing for web, I believe. So here you get some straight-out-of-the-camera shots from my humble home:

"First Glance":
First Glance

"In His Father's Eyes":
In His Father's Eyes

And a reflection of me... the chores piling up as I take more pics!
Reflection of me
This was taken in the handle of my kitchen faucet. =)

It was fun although I wish I could have been more creative. I need to get my creative juices flowing again. That and I know there are a billion pics of Joshua and hardly any of Jeremiah these days... but the boy will not stay still when he sees me with the camera. He runs or jumps in my face or hides behind something... I got a few random ordinary snapshots of him that I'll post soon just so you remember what he looks like! lol

Mommy Moment: We are so mean. Here Joshua starts crawling and climbing and we get him a thing to sit in and bounce around in and play in. It's either that or he has to take a timeout in the playpen just so mommy can go potty or wash some dishes. He takes his naps in the playpen in our room since he and Jeremiah share a room and Jeremiah is usually playing in there so he gets upset if he's in there too long when it's not naptime. Joshua is on the go and hard to keep still anymore. I went in the kitchen to get some meat to thaw for dinner thinking he was going to crawl over to the chair again. I was wrong, he was following me into the kitchen! His face was lit up like "Wow! I can even leave the room?!?!?!" It's fun and thankfully he likes his new "activity center". Uh-oh... I hear someone coming down the hall... Daddy must have let him loose from the evil confines of the living room to find Mommy! Thanks for visiting!!!