Big Boy...

Joshua isn't even two but it seems he's been a toddler forever! He seemed to do everything (physically) early and I can hardly remember him as an infant. As I watched him one afternoon climbing and sliding on his playset over and over again, I thought about how he's been doing this since last year and I wasn't sure if I documented it. He's my big boy...

This little guy has no fear, which leaves Mommy with a lot of fear! One day I'll have a heart attack and it'll be because of him. If he lives that long...

I can't even remember how long he's been going headfirst, the little daredevil. It's funny to me to watch other moms hover over their children (usually older than Joshua even!). I know I did it with Jeremiah but there is something about Joshua that gives me confidence that he's got it under control. That, and I understand that he's probably not going to die if he fell into the grass face first from the slide...

He's growing up so fast it's starting to blur. My baby is ready to go take on the world...

But for today he's still my little stinker-roo and I'll smooch this little face as often as I can!