Morning Snuggly Reading Time...

Almost every morning starts out this way. The first one to get up grabs a book or two and we end up all cozy together in a bed reading until the other wakes and joins us. A great way to snuggle ourselves awake if you ask me! This particular morning we squeezed into Joshua's tented bed. This Toy Story tent drives me nuts but he loved it so it stuck around for a while until I got really frustrated with them taking it apart and I had to keep putting it back together... (boy, was that a run-on sentence or what?!?!). It's gone as of yesterday. :)

But we have the memories, right? And here they are in all the glorious, busy color that it is...

Jeremiah reads to us from an I Spy Christmas (?) book...

Heehee, look at those sleepy eyes!

Good times. :)