This House on Thursday: Going for a Walk...

I decided to document one of our many many trips around the neighborhood these days...
(warning: snapshot heavy!)

Typical us...

Already complaining about the heat...

"Me too!"

Hmmm, let me take a creative shot? I can't quite get down far enough to look through the viewfinder so I guess I'll wing it, but quickly as the neighbors already think I'm nuts...

Um, FAIL. Let me try again. Again with the random aim...

Ok, never mind. Let's keep walking before anyone sees me crawling around in the neighbor's yard.

My kids love to find wish sticks...

But I'm sure the neighbor's are not fond of my kids' obsessions with blowing the seeds around...

"Me poowit, Mom! Me poowit!"


"Joe, out!"

Oh, forget it. Just drink your water...

Joshua hears a big truck somewhere in the distance... "Wassat?"

Joshua has the coolest fashion style. Overdo the Croc charms and wear them on the wrong feet. Its all the rage in 2 year old fashion mags this year...

Another random attempt at a small group shot...

Did you notice the enthusiasm? So much interest that I decided to try a more complete group shot...

Ooops. Oh yeah, that fail was a repeat. Maybe I should try to learn something. So I crawled in my neighbor's grass to attempt to correct my composition and get my desired subject in focus. This time I ignored the carpet cleaner guy that came out of the house and waited for me to finish so he could dump out the dirty water into the street we were posing on...

Even though I'm sure I looked like a complete idiot setting up this shot, it makes me smile to look at us in our everyday selves. And it makes me smile that the carpet cleaning guy didn't decide I was a complete fool and chose to dump the water anyway.

Happy Trails!