Sweet Kid
Jeremiah let me play this morning. He rolled around on the blanket while I played with settings and goofed off. I love to look at this little face! He's so sweet, he's my little buddy. There are days when I wish he could stay this little but then I am enjoying each stage and all that it brings and I can't wait to see what he will do next!
I read an article by Jacquelyn Mitchard in Wondertime magazine where she says of her last child, "Can I find a way, beyond the tape recorder, to impress on my mind the fat, low-pitched chortle Atticus gives out when I nuzzle his ribs? Can I commit to memory the smell of his just-washed scalp? I can't. Perhaps if the impression lasted, it would be so tender as to be unbearable." *sigh* I am finding this to be painfully true. So I will remember & record all that I can but continue to look forward to what Jeremiah is yet to become.