5 Months old!

Joshua is five months old now and SO MUCH FUN!

I haven't been giving details of his development so I'll bring you up to date on what he's up to:

*LOVES Jeremiah. He will look everywhere for that boy and twist and wiggle and break his neck to find him. He thinks he's hilarious and loves to watch his big brother play! Big brother loves him just as much. It's so cute how they can't wait to see each other each morning! They are best buddies and I love it!

* Big Chunk of a kid. He has been wearing 6-9 month clothes for a while now. He breezed through the 3-6 month clothes in less than a month!

* Not big on eating real food. He's a speedy nurser too so maybe he's just not into eating? You can't tell by looking at him...

* Grabs everything in sight, but purposefully. Or maybe I should say, with determination. Likes to steal Jeremiah's toys from his hands if he gets too close. He seems to be especially fond of Jeremiah's little Army men...

* Loves to gnaw on poor Blue. We have a little Blue's Clue Dog and he loves to suck on his nose!

* He can roll over both ways and sit up pretty good by himself. That is, until he hears Jeremiah and twists around too much trying to find him, then he's falling over. But other than that, he's a good sitter!

* He's a strong little booger! And he has HUGE hands. He grabbed my arm so tightly the other night I could have probably lifted him up off the ground that way!

* Loves to talk. Loudly. And when he's mad, he'll "complain" first with lots of angry sounding grumbling noises. If you don't respond, then he'll resort to crying. It's really quite hilarious!

* Gives the best hugs. I'll pick him up and he'll wrap his little arms around my neck and give me a big squeeze and then try to kiss me. Ok, so he's really trying to eat me but I'll pretend they are kisses!

* Overall he's such a good baby. Easy going and happy all the time. And squishy. I like squishy babies. =)

Okay, on with the Tonka Truck Pics! Happy 5 Month Birthday, Buddy!

Big Boy!

I just love this face!
Squishy Cheeks!

This is the way he rolls... (for you, Uncle David! haha)
My Ride

Special thanks to Jane for helping to make sure he didn't roll away (because he started to!)

Here are the previous Truck pics: Clicky!

Mommy Moment: If you ask Jeremiah "How are you?" He'll respond every.single.time with, "I'm four."

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Remember to thank your Savior for all He has done, is doing, and is going to do!