All I Want For Christmas... my two front teeth!

In this case, the bottom ones! I have a feeling they will be here just in time for Christmas dinner!

When I'm finished changing his diaper, he sometimes flips over onto his belly so he can chew on the side. Somebody's getting a stocking full of chewable toys this year!

More snapshots...

Joshua's seal impersonation:
*Arf Arf Arf*
This seems to be one of his favorite things to do while lying on his belly. He'll glance at some toys but is happy to just strike this "skydiver" position (as Daddy calls it!). Jane is jealous of his incredible strength to keep his legs up like this for so long. lol By the way, don't you just love the unmatching striped socks? Go Mommy! lol

And the time is approaching...

Yes sir, it won't be long now, will it? He gets up like this then "revs" back and forth. He's going to figure it out soon and then nothing is safe... Jeremiah better keep close watch on all his toys that Joshua has been eyeing!

So, where have I been? Swamped! Under tons of editing (fall turned out to be a VERY busy time for pictures!), spending more time with the family, the usual Thanksgiving stuff, a nice & relaxing vacation... just life! When I get more time, I'll post a few more images of work I've been busy with but for now, enjoy these snaps of our silly little life!

Mommy Moment: Jeremiah went to the potty one day and, as usual, left the door open. I thought he was in there for a bit too long so I ventured down the hall to peek only to find him flushing the toilet then putting his head almost IN the toilet to watch it swirl down. ACK! This germ-a-phobe mom freaked out and scrubbed him all over while lecturing him on how nasty that was. He still thinks it was funny. *sigh* Boys.