Trip To Trunnell's...

Another great part of Homeschooling is getting to do things when we want! lol Like going to Trunnell's Farm Market to play and pick out pumpkins without fighting a crowd of wild kids. We just have to fight our own wild kids. :)

Lindsey and I carved out some time from our busy schedules last week to take our boys to pick out pumpkins and play. We were the only ones there! It was kinda odd and lonely looking but the boys had so much fun running around in the different mazes, pumping water, playing in the corn, swinging, riding the bikes and kicking up dirt wherever they went. They were filthy and exhausted but had a great time. We laughed at all the funky looking pumpkins and gourds. I loved all the colors, textures and funky twisted stems...

Then we made a quick trip through the store where Joshua got hooked on the apple flavored popcorn:

kinda gross looking but surprisingly yummy!

As usual, I took too many pics so you get another slideshow to view them a little easier! Enjoy!